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课程视频 / Lecture Videos

  1. Introduction to iOS 11, Xcode 9 and Swift 4Paul Hegarty provides an overview of the lecture series and introduces the different components in iOS. He concludes with a demo of Concentration Game.
  2. MVCPaul Hegarty explains the Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept. He then continues the Concentration demo: demonstrating the application of MVC to the Concentration Game.
  3. Swift Programming LanguagePaul Hegarty begins with a demonstration of making Concentration's button layout dynamic. He then reviews the first two lectures and continues diving into Swift.
  4. More SwiftPaul Hegarty continues his coverage of Swift.
  5. DrawingPaul Hegarty covers error handling, special types any and anyobject, and casting. He then introduces views.
  6. MultitouchPaul Hegarty continues his PlayingCard demonstration on views. He then introduces gestures and concludes with a demo on swiping, tapping and pinching.
  7. Multiple MVCs, Timer, and AnimationPaul Hegarty begins with an explanation of multiple MVCs and demonstrates Theme Chooser in Concentration. He then introduces timer and animation.
  8. AnimationPaul Hegarty continues his coverage of Animation.
  9. View Controller Lifecycle and Scroll ViewPaul Hegarty delves into the view controller lifecycle – keeping track of what's happening in your Controller as it goes through its lifetime – and then demonstrates putting print()s into the multiple-MVC version of Concentration. He then covers scroll view.
  10. Multithreading and AutolayoutPaul Hegarty covers multithreading and then demonstrates with a multithreaded Cassini. He then introduces autolayout.
  11. Drag and Drop, Table View, and Collection ViewPaul Hegarty lectures about drag and drop – transferring information around within and between apps – and demonstrates applying it in a demonstration of EmojiArt. He then introduces UITableView and UICollectionView.
  12. Drag and Drop, Table View, Collection View, and Text FieldPaul Hegarty continues his demo of EmojiArt. He then covers editable text input control with UITextField.
  13. Persistence and DocumentsPaul Hegarty continues his demo of Emoji Art where he implements UITextField to add more Emoji. He then introduces persistence.
  14. Persistence and Documents DemoPaul Hegarty extends his coverage of Documents. He then does a demonstration of using Codable to create a JSON representation, storing it in the filesystem then letting UIDocument store it instead, and then using UIDocumentBrowserViewController to choose/create/rename/move documents.
  15. Alerts, Notifications, Application LifecyclePaul Hegarty covers alerts and action sheets, notifications and KVO, and the application lifecycle.
  16. More SeguesPaul Hegarty talks about modal, popover, unwind, and embed segues.
  17. Core Motion and CameraPaul Hegarty introduces Core Motion – detecting the position and movement of the device – and then does a demo with Gravity-Driven Playing Card. He then covers taking pictures within your app.

周五课程 / Friday Sessions

  1. Debugging and Xcode Tips and TricksJason Riggs talks about debugging and shares Xcode tips and tricks.
  2. Github and Source Control WorkflowJunjie Ke covers Github and the source control workflow.
  3. InstrumentsJason Riggs explains instruments.

课程讲义 / Slides

  1. Lecture 1 Slides
  2. Lecture 2 Slides
  3. Lecture 3 Slides
  4. Lecture 4 Slides
  5. Lecture 5 Slides
  6. Lecture 6 Slides
  7. Lecture 7 Slides
  8. Lecture 8 Slides
  9. Lecture 9 Slides
  10. Lecture 10 Slides
  11. Lecture 11 Slides
  12. Lecture 12 Slides
  13. Lecture 13 Slides
  14. Lecture 14 Slides
  15. Lecture 15 Slides
  16. Lecture 16 Slides
  17. Lecture 17 Slides

阅读作业 / Readings

  1. Intro to Swift
  2. Intro to Swift
  3. Finishing Off Swift

编程作业 / Programming Projects

  1. Concentration
  2. Set
  3. Graphical Set
  4. Animated Set
  5. Image Gallery
  6. Persistent Image Gallery
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